Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Mommentation

Monday... a new work week when you feel as though everything starts anew.  Its when you pick up the pieces of Friday that led to you succumbing to procrastination. Besides the plague cold that I had on Friday and our AC unit that decided to conk out due to its constant usage, I had a pretty good weekend. I truly enjoyed my ladies night that I had with Danielle and Danielle's sister in law and it was very much needed.

Anyways- Sunday at church really made me very sad. I remember meeting briefly a guy named Glen (Glenroy) Walker, Jr about 6 years ago at a party. Very nice attractive guy and a really sweet spirit.  I even remember last year seeing him and his beautiful family at church. Well there was a testimonial during service and I found out that he passed away in a terrible car crash and it made me so incredibly sad. he has two beautiful little kids who are now without a father and just looking at Jonathan, it just made me pray so hard that my family can overcome that. I want more than anything for my family and those whom I love to be protected and that Jonathan has the beautiful blessing of seeing both Me and Chris together, in love, happy, healthy. I pray for the opportunity to watch him graduate from High School, then college, then med school :) . I so desire to dance with him at his wedding, and have Chris help mold him to be an incredible father and do grandpa things with his children. And then if Chris and I go up to heaven after all of that, then I know we never have a reason to complain. Life s so incredibly precious. Life is such a beautiful gift. Every morning I hear Jonathan's little voice yell out to Mommy... he says "Mommy...where are you? Come here Mommy"...and I always come and his face lights  up. I pray that no time in his childhood he asks "Mommy, where are you" and I never come running. Makes me tear up just thinking about it. Sigh. All you can do is pray... all you can do is pray. There is a prayer trail at my church and prior to school starting, I believe I am going to walk it and pray over my family as I start this new school semester and chapter. I just feel the need to go there and go ahead and slay any weapons that the devil is trying to form against me. I need to get my armor ready.

This has been a MOMment of Reflection-


  1. I cried like a baby at church over this sweet family. I didn't know them but my heart ached so badly for them. I am continuing to cover them in prayer.

    1. Girl ME TOO!!! I was a hot mess and it still has me thinking of it. I found her blog that evening and reading it made me cry some more. I seriously had to stop.
