Friday, August 17, 2012

The calm before the storm...

So next week I start nursing school. This will be the last friday for quite a while that I will feel mildly relaxed. That I could actually enjoy my family. My heart goes into palpitations just thinking about the stress that is awaiting me. I can't lie, I'm scared. I am scared because I know this road is going to be  hard. I know I did it once, but I there were times that I just didn't think I was going to make it...and I hate that feeling. God doesn't put more on you than you can handle, and I know that, but sometimes I wish he didn't trust me as much. lol. I'm proud of myself for making the steps to be healthier and I don't want that to change. I don't want the excuse of no time to creep in. I am just praying for so much now. I actually plan on taking a jog through our churches prayer path this afternoon. To have a moment with God to just really armor me against all the weapons the devil knows have been extremely effective in breaking me down: fear, self-doubt, failure...  I am getting myself ready for full fight mode this semester. I know I can do this. I know I can. I just have to keep looking straight ahead at the finish line (even though it looks very small from right here). Stay focused. Keep my eyes on the prize.

So I already spoke about my eating some yesterday. last night I didn't have the salad I spoke about eating. I think I was craving some carbs so I went for the Blue Chips again. Something called Garden of Eatin' Blue Chips. Apparently they are gluten free, which doesn't mean much because I can process gluten just fine, but since that is all the hype, I went for that choice instead. Also Jonathan really loves them so I may start buying those type of chips more often. So my intake yesterday is:
I stayed two points below. Tonight on the menu, I think I am going to cook:
Quinoa "Fried Rice"
Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes

As a side dish:
Servings: 5 servings  Serving Size: 1 cup  Old Points: 5 pts  Points+: 6 pts
Calories: 252.3 • Fat: 6.3 g • Carbs: 39 g • Fiber: 5.6 g • Protein: 11.7

Red Thai Coconut Curry Shrimp
Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
Servings: 4 • Serving Size: 1/4th  Old Points: 3 pts  Points+: 3 pts 
Calories: 135 • Fat: 4.4 g  Protein: 18.5 g  Carb: 4.7 g  Fiber: 0.9 g

A 9 point dinner, not too shabby! I really think the hubs and offspring will also enjoy this tasty number :)

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