Monday, August 20, 2012

The start of a new week

Today will be the last day of week 2. I'm proud of myself and the way I've been on this journey thus far. Although I don't SEE results, my mental attitude has come a long way in this short time and I know more than anyone else that the mind is half the battle. So I will continue with my baby steps, because those baby steps will in time make a long distance between the old me and the new me.

I did well yesterday making up for overage Saturday. Stayed 8 points below, which was actually by chance because of a long shopping day with the hubby and offspring at the farmers market and Walmart. I have tons of fresh veggies and meats for the next couple of weeks. Last night after dinner, hubby said that he really loved dinner and is so proud of me and how I've really taken the bull by the horns this go around. He says he wants to really start eating like this, not just for diet, but always. I told him that is definitely my intentions. I want us as a family to make a lifestyle change. To make choices that will benefit our health and our bodies. To be an example to Jonathan. It is our responsibility to show him how to take care of himself, not just from the outside, but the inside. And while I've always been fairly healthy with Jonathan, I could see how bad habits can creep in slowly. Like in that last month, having fries/fast food twice in a week. Every blue moon or even biweekly maybe, but his body is still growing and so small, i need to make what goes in it really count. He is so proud to have me as his Mommy, and I never want that to change. As he gets older, I want him to be proud of me, the way I am so proud of him. My little muffin face.

So off to a productive week. changing my attitude, being encouraged by great friends and my mom really helped this morning and just doing what I need to do. Not going to worry about months ahead, just how to get through each week. I can do this. I know I can. I am putting the worry monster at bay. The worry monster can be so paralyzing. I won't let that happen to me. AND instead of food to lean on, I am going to lean on fitness. Even if I can only afford twenty minutes that day, i will use it. I need to make my health a priority.

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